U7 Round Robin – Cancelled Sun 18th March

Posted on: Saturday 17th March 2018

With the unprecedented cold weather for mid march, the League have reluctantly cancelled the U7 event tomorrow. It will be just too cold for the children to stand around...

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All Matches Cancelled Sun 4th March

Posted on: Thursday 1st March 2018

It has become apparent in the last few hours that the vast majority of local councils across our area have cancelled all pitches this weekend. We accept that their...

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Referee Forum Dermot Gallagher

Posted on: Sunday 8th October 2017

The Surrey Youth League is pleased to announce that it is holding its inaugural Referee Forum on Fri 13th October at Imber Court and has secured as a Guest...

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Early Season Update and Reminders

Posted on: Thursday 28th September 2017

Hi Everyone 3 weeks in and all is going relatively well, that said I need to put a few reminders and pieces of clarification out there. Respect  We have...

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Surrey youth league

Handbook and Match Summary Card

Posted on: Sunday 10th September 2017

The League has now published the 2017/18 Handbook online, in addition there is a handy summary pdf for all of the Match details for every age group. This summary...

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U7 and U8 Manager Training Day

Posted on: Sunday 10th September 2017

We have had a brilliant morning with over 90 coaches attending from the U7 and U8 age groups. Brilliant sessions organised by Jon Nurse and delivered by Kevin Finnerty,...

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National Respect League Winners – Video

Posted on: Friday 1st September 2017

On Monday we will receive the National Respect Award for Leagues, the FA have put together a short video that you can access here.

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Respect kits

Match Day Respect 2017-2018

Posted on: Wednesday 16th August 2017

Hi everyone Not too long before the season kicks off now. As we are now through the majority of registrations and organising teams, fixtures are out and some of...

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Registrations 2016/17

SYL Initial Fixture Grids 2017-2018

Posted on: Tuesday 1st August 2017

Hi everyone So the season is fast approaching, with only 4 weeks to go please find below links to access initial fixtures. Please note that the Age group secretaries...

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FA Respect awards given to the Surrey youth league