Covid – Grassroots football – update
Surrey County FA have today released the following update, regarding the classification of several Surrey boroughs being classified as Tier 2
The Government has been clear that under Covid Tier 2 guidelines,
‘exercise classes and organised sport can continue to take place outdoors. These will only be permitted indoors if it is possible for people to avoid mixing with people they do not live with (or share a support bubble with), or for youth or disability sport’.
It has become clear that the resurgence of Covid-19 infections are strongly related to social gatherings that do not abide by guidance provided, especially regarding travel, social distance, washing of hands and face coverings.
It is imperative that you do not attend or participate if you are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19, are awaiting a test result or are part of a household which is self-isolating. Please remember to consider Government messaging regarding ‘Hands. Face. Space.’
Full information on the Government’s local Covid alert levels can be found here.
Surrey County FA full Covid-19 FAQ page can be accessed here.